"Your child's home away from home"
Central Ave:773-763-8888
Milwaukee Ave:773-763-0888
cal@carealot4kids.comE-Mail us!

COVID-19 Information

General COVID-19 Info

Care-A-Lot has been reopened since June 3rd, 2020 after restrictions demanded by the COVID-19 virus were lifted, allowing the centers to resume operation.

Given the situation, Care-A-Lot has put into place a new set of policies to ensure the safety of our students, parents and teachers. The full policy can be downloaded below.

file_downloadDownload Parent Policy

Your kids are hearing about coronavirus (COVID-19). We know you want to make sure they get reliable information — and you want them to hear it from you. Care-A-Lot has put together some resources containing tips on how to talk to your kids about coronavirus. Please view it below.

file_downloadCOVID-19 Communication Tips

For more information, always feel free to E-Mail us with any questions or concerns:  cal@carealot4kids.com

Care-A-Lot Virtual Teacher Offering

In these difficult times, we realize parents may appreciate their children getting the chance to talk to the teachers they know and love from Care-A-Lot. In order to do our best to continue giving a great experience to the kids who can no longer attend day care during this lockdown period, we've made an effort to set up a video chat where some of our teachers can continue to interact with the students. If you would like to be included in this program, free of cost, please contact us over E-Mail!  cal@carealot4kids.com

We miss you!

When Care-A-Lot was closed due to the pandemic restrictions, we put up signs in our windows to explain the situation to parents and children passing by, as shown below.

We were delighted to see some of our students who were walking by respond by sending us the following image

...and we wanted to say, we miss you too! We wish all the families we've been working to serve these past 34 years the best during these difficult times. We missed all of our students greatly when they couldn't join us at our centers, and are now ecstatic to see those that have been able to return!

Other COVID-19 Resources

Care-A-Lot has put together some resources to help parents recognize common COVID-19 symptoms, which can be downloaded below.

file_downloadCOVID-19 Symptoms

For more information on COVID-19, the following link may help:
