Please print the following forms out, complete them, and bring them to the school when you're ready to apply!
This form gives us the parents contact information and explains our enrollment policies.
This form is designed to help the teachers better understand your home life and your child.
This form gives us information regarding your child's physician to be used in case of emergency. It also gives permission to participate in walking field trips, classroom photos and special events.
This will also give you information regarding our disenrollment policy.
This is a card you can fill out to give people you trust permission to pick up your child at the end of the day (or in an emergency situation when you are unavailable).
The emergency contacts must be:
1. 16 years or older
2. Have a valid drivers license
This form contains our varied tuition rates and schedules for each classroom.
During the pandemic, Care-A-Lot has put into place a new set of policies to ensure the safety of our students, parents and teachers. The full policy can be downloaded below.
Your kids are hearing about coronavirus (COVID-19). We know you want to make sure they get reliable information — and you want them to hear it from you. Care-A-Lot has put together some resources containing tips on how to talk to your kids about coronavirus. Please view it below.